Business Communication and Character

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Comparing University Statements About Israel

As an in-class activity or assignment, students can analyze and compare what university officials are saying about the conflict in the Middle East. Here are a few statements and, below, possible questions for discussion. The Harvard situation is particularly charged. The university is facing criticism because, despite issuing a statement supporting Israel, so far, it hasn’t responded to a post by 34 student organizations: “Joint Statement by Harvard Palestine Solidarity Groups on the Situation in Palestine.” (Update: The president posted a response on October 10.)


Brandeis University
Harvard University
Hunter College
New York University
The Rockefeller University
University of Connecticut
University of Miami
University of Washington

Questions for Discussion

  • Who are the primary and secondary audiences for the statement?

  • What are the communication objectives?

  • For each statement:

    • How does the writer describe the issue; for example, is it called a “war,” “conflict,” “tragedy,” “attack,” or something else?

    • What’s the significance of how the issue is described? In other words, how clearly does the university support a position?

    • How might the university’s mission, student population, location, and other factors affect the message?

    • How would you describe the tone? What language illustrates your characterization?

    • How do connections to the region affect the credibility of the message and the writer?

    • What resources are offered for students?

    • What does the message say about campus conduct and safety?

    • What, if any, action does the university promise?

    • How does the writer illustrate character dimensions, for example, compassion, accountability, integrity, or courage?

    • What else distinguishes one statement from another?

  • What universities are missing statements? Why might they choose to stay out of the conversation? Or are they just slower in responding, and why might that be?

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