Comms Related to the Supreme Court Decision

Business communication faculty brave enough to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to restrict affirmative action in college admissions will find many communication examples for students to analyze. Here are a few to consider, and each requires careful facilitation. The first two are probably the easiest to manage and the most relevant to our courses.

  • Corporate responses: This article provides a few examples for students to analyze, considering the industry, customer base, mission, and other factors driving the response.

  • University responses: Cornell University’s president published a statement, and I imagine other university leaders have done the same. Students can analyze and compare messages.

  • Full text of the decision: This 237-page document is a bit overwhelming, but the document, in its entirety, illustrates one persuasive genre for a professional group.

  • Dissenting opinions: For more manageable reads, these two dissenting opinions serve as good examples of persuasive arguments.

  • Opinion letters: The WSJ and NY Times editorial board opinions offer useful contrasts. Students might find their own opinion articles to analyze.

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