AI Peer Review Assignment

My colleague at Cornell University, Christy McDowell, and I created an assignment for students to practice using ChatGPT for peer feedback. We’ll present the results from her Persuasive Management Communication class at the Association for Business Communication Conference on October 26, 2023, in Denver. (Download the deck at right.)

Here’s the assignment if you would like to modify it for your class, and you may use it for any writing task.

The assignment included multiple parts:

Step 1: Submit Your Assignment 1 Draft Outline

Step 2: Review Two Students’ Outlines

Step 3: Ask ChatGPT for Feedback

Step 4: Reflect on Your Experience with ChatGPT

Step 5: Compare AI and Human Feedback

Step 6: Reflect on Peer Feedback

In written reflections and class discussions, most students:

  • Were surprised at how skilled ChatGPT was in providing feedback (65%)

  • Found the process more helpful than previous peer review activities (67%)

  • Indicated that peer feedback and in-person discussion were more useful than the anonymous peer feedback (71 reflections)

  • Confirmed they will use AI to structure and organize content for future assignments (in-class discussion)

If you use parts or all of the assignment in your class, let us know how it works for you and your students!