Did You Check Work Email on Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving-emailGood to know that I'm in the unhealthy majority: 58% of men and 51% of women planned to check email during the holidays. According to a survey by Xobni, the gender gap has shrunk from 2010, when 67% of men and 50% of women checked email.

Of the 75% who receive work-related email during the holidays, 19% of us are "thankful or relieved by the distraction," while 41% are "annoyed, frustrated, or resentful."

The survey showed age differences among those who feel "annoyed, frustrated, or resentful." Between 41% and 43% of workers aged 18-44, but only 17% of the 55+ crowd feel this way. The difference could be because of work expectations, position within the company, job insecurity, family status, or a host of other reasons. (via PC World)

Discussion Starters:

  • What are your views about checking email on holidays? What are the reasons people may want to check email?
  • What organizational systems (e.g., culture, management practices, performance measures) may cause people to check email?
  • How could an organization prevent people from checking email on holidays? Is this a good idea?