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Is a Bad Wine Label a Turnoff?


Visuals matter, particularly for wine sales. I'm interested in the topic because friends just gave me a bottle labeled "Cow Tipping" for the fun name and graphic. But apparently not everyone agrees with this strategy for choosing wine.

In the past, wine labels have been traditional, featuring images of a chataeu, for example, but winemakers-and wine marketers-have gotten creative. Yet not all designs work well.

Bloomberg called out six bottles for "terrible labels." Zinfandels, the article says, are particularly vulnerable to off-beat labeling: Plungerhead Old Vine and Zombie Zin are two examples. Others have a creepy eye leering out at the consumer or a blindfolded prisoner. For many of these, the author suggests, "Don't serve it by candlelight on a first date."

The article also tells us what we already know: sometimes beautiful packaging has no correlation with price, quality, or taste.


  • To what extent does a wine label influence your decision to buy?
  • Go to a local wine store. What catches your eye? Do you notice any correlation between label design and price?