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Student's Blog Post Gets Attention

SuffolkSuffolk University student Tiffany C. Martinez was accused of plagiarism, and she wrote a blog post that's gone viral. According to Martinez, her professor returned a paper to her in front of the classroom and said, "This is not your language." She then reviewed her comments.

"Hence" was one example circled in the paper, and Martinez said her professor wrote on the paper,  "Please go back and indicate where you cut and paste."

In a blog post titled, "Academic, Love Me Back," Martinez explained what happened and the impact on her. Here is an excerpt:

At eight o'clock this morning, I felt both disrespected and invalidated. For years I have spent ample time dissecting the internalized racism that causes me to doubt myself, my abilities, and my aspirations. As a student in an institution extremely populated with high-income white counterparts, I have felt the bitter taste of not belonging. It took until I used my cloud of doubt and my sociological training to realize that my insecurities are rooted in the systems I navigate every day. I am just as capable if not more so than those around me and my accomplishments are earned.

The acting president and provost wrote a letter to the university community, promising an investigation.

Suffolk University

Image source.

Discussion Starters:

  • Read more of Martinez's account in her blog post. How would you describe her point of view?
  • What's your view of the university's letter to the community?
  • What response do you think the professor may have? How, if at all, can he or she explain her actions?