Business Communication and Character

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Twitter's Convoluted Strategy Statement

You might think that Twitter could write a clear, succinct strategy statement-perhaps even within 140 characters. But that's not the case, and the company is getting hammered for it.

"Reach the largest daily audience in the world by connecting everyone to their world via our information sharing and distribution platform products and be one of the top revenue generating Internet companies in the world."

When Anthony Nolo, the company's new CFO, read the statement at an analyst meeting, he stumbled in the middle and said it was a "mouthful." 

As expected, the Twittersphere has been poking fun of the statement and criticizing the writing.

Twitter Statement

I would add hyphens too. #BetterTwitterMissionStatements lists serious and playful alternatives.

Discussion Starters:

  • Although some critics call it a mission statement, the company says it's a strategy statement. What's the difference?
  • Can you identify the two grammatical errors? How about the missing hyphens?