Business Communication and Character

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Good Grammar Is Sexy and Improves Your Chances of Finding Love

A survey of 1,700 online daters found that 43% consider bad grammar a turnoff, and 35% consider good grammar sexy.

Grammar Survey

Eighty-seven percent of online daters posted their profile without having someone check the grammar. This could be bad news if they want to attract love, particularly if they're looking for someone who earns more than $100,000 a year. This group cares about grammar 10% more than do those earning less.

Women surveyed had stronger feelings about grammar than did men, a finding inconsistent with a survey I conducted with Professor Judi Brownell in 2009. In our survey, we asked hotel managers to rate how challenging they found "poor grammar and incorrect punctuation" in emails they received. Women rated this 1.42 (with 1 being the least challenging and 5 being the most), while men rated this item 2.88, for a difference of 1.46-by far the biggest difference of the 16 items we asked people to rate.

Full infographic.

Discussion Starters:

  • Do these findings surprise you? Why or why not?
  • How important is grammar to you in your personal relationships?